

JPQAS was established in 2014 to improve performance of pathological practice in Japan. Our activities are conduction of external quality assessment (EQA), assistance of internal quality control, education of pathologists and technologist through seminars, and publicizing of pathological quality assurance. EQA is the major task among annual JPQAS activities. We are offering three programs, and over 370 hospitals are participating in 2021.

  1. Slide survey; Participating laboratories receive unstained tissue microarray (TMA) slides. Each lab immunostaines them and make scores about staining results. The slides and staining scores are send back to the JPQAS. We assess performance of each lab in terms of both staining and scoring.
  2. WSI (whole slide imaging) survey; JPQAS provides a set of immunostained slides and shows their WSI with several questions on the web. Participants observe the WSI image and answer the question.
  3. Seminar; Participants are invited to the one-day seminar, in which overview of above activities and technical advises are given as a lecture.

Hiroshi Kijima, M.D

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